

混凝土裂缝, 是否在建筑物内, 道路, 构筑物或桥梁, indicate damage 和 should be closely 和 accurately monitored to assure the integrity, safety 和 underlying durability of the structure.

的se cracks can form for a number of reasons:

  • 不合标准的施工方法
  • Chemical reactions causing corrosion
  • 反复冻融
  • 建设重载
  • 或者以上的任意组合.

Depending on where the crack is located, the issue may be superficial or an indication of damage of a larger scale. 的 significance of the damage depends on the location 和 size of the crack, 和 how they can ultimately affect the structure’s safety 和 durability. Monitoring of the cracks is essential in evaluating what maintenance actions will be needed for the affected area based on the severity of the damage.

A number of different types of evaluations 和 instruments are available to precisely measure 和 monitor concrete cracking. 的se tools are able to continuously monitor 和 record even subtle opening 和 closing of the crack.

洪堡’s concrete crack monitors 和 crack gauges are of the highest quality available. 的y feature highly accurate scales 和 a unique pin system to ensure accurate zeroing of the monitor when it is affixed to the surface. Our crack monitors include use for flat surfaces, corners 和 displacement applications.

裂纹监测仪 are used to monitor horizontal or vertical crack movement on a flat surface.

裂纹监测仪 for corners allow monitoring in corners with 70° to 180° angles.

混凝土裂缝数据记录仪 monitors cracks 和 linear displacements, measuring both displacement 和 ambient temperature with USB connectivity (also available in wireless WiFi).

混凝土裂缝监测套件 contain the components needed to set up a system using precision 数字卡钳.

concrete crack monitoring microscope is a high-definition instrument with its own adjustable light source.

displacement crack monitoring gauge monitors movement where there is a step across a crack due to displacement.

混凝土裂缝宽度计 measures widths 和 locations of cracks before staring a monitoring program.

多长度应变仪 is recommended as a substitute for the Whittemore strain gauge for masonry-type materials 和 structural components.

Other related parts 和 accessories include 裂缝监测胶, 螺丝和插头, 卡尺标志数字卡钳.

洪堡 maintains a large inventory for immediate shipment of monitors, whether you need only one or a couple of hundred. If you have questions or need help selecting equipment, please call us at 1.800.544.7220或使用我们的 问洪堡 form.


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